Are you still on Whatsapp? It’s time to change to the better messaging platform, Telegram, which offers better security and many more features than Whatsapp.
Interact, chat and crowd source for information with fellow Dobbers on Telegram. We have a main Dobbs Supergroup (which has room for 200,000), a Techtalk group (if you are interested in all things Tech or need Tech help) and a Flexiroam group for the data roaming doctors.
The invitation links are posted only in the Bulletin Board which is accessible only by registered members who have logged in. Please do not share these links and in any case, the links will change from time to time for security reasons.
Dobbs groups on Telegram are the only Malaysian doctors groups on Telegram where membership is strictly vetted by the Dobbs Registration process so you can be assured the groups comprise only bonafide Malaysian doctors and are free from spammers.
The invitation links can be found here in the Bulletin Board:
If you have forgotten your password , please enter your email in the Bulletin Board password reminder:
In case you did not receive the reminder email, please check your Spam or Bulk mail folder and always unspam email from
Best regards and see you on Telegram!
Alan Teh aka Ketua Dobbs or @ketuadobbs on Telegram (feel free to message me there if you need help!)