CPD Announcement: Round Table Discussion on Female Fertility

Dear Dobber

This is to let you know of our next CPD activity, which is a joint effort of the OGSM, Firstline Pharmaceuticals Sdn Bhd and DOBBS.
The topic is “Influence of Micronutrients on Female Fertilty
Date: Saturday 22.1.2022
Time: 5 pm

Youtubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyey_PRiFSo (Hit the Set Reminder button so you won’t miss it)
DOBBS Facebook group : Link TBA (we cannot schedule it earlier than 1 week so stay tuned for the link in the DOBBS Facebook group )

CPD point will be awarded for attendance

Here’s the meeting Flyer:

and the Agenda:

Here’s a related Product Announcement from Firstline Pharmaceuticals Sdn Bhd:
Since the launch of PROfortil in 2015, many couples were able to embrace the joy of parenthood. In the hope of supporting more parents-to-be to build a family of their own, Firstline Pharmaceuticals is proud to introduce, Fortelle + Omega-3. 
Similar to its other-half; PROfortil, Fortelle+Omega-3  is a  potential game-changer in the world of fertility, catered especially for women aged 35 and above as well as women who experience difficulties in conceiving.
This hormone-free, synergistic formulation consists of micronutrients such as Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin E, Folic Acid, Selenium, Green Tea extract together with Omega-3 fatty acids; EPA and DHA.
Fortelle+Omega-3 is backed by scientific research in promoting improvement in
– regulation of menstrual cycle
– improved conditions for implantation
– embryonic developments and more.
Keen on finding out more? Do join us during the Round table Talk Discussion on 22.1.22 between PPUKM O&G Specialist Doctors.

See you on 22.1.22!

Best regards