DOBBS Update for November 2021

Greetings DOBBER!

I trust everyone is keeping safe! This is our monthly update to keep you informed of what’s new in DOBBS, Malaysia’s pioneer and largest online community for doctors

We have revamped our Telegram groups and we are now using Moderated Join Links (we admit only registered DOBBS members) to make it easier for you to participate or re-join if you have previously left the groups .
Please make sure you have the latest version of the Telegram app installed in your phone otherwise the moderated links may not work.
The links are always available in our Bulletin Board (login and scroll down to the Telegram section)

To make it easier for you, here are the join links to our Telegram groups:
Just tap on any of the links using your phone to request to join any of the groups.
If we cannot identify you as a DOBBS member due to your privacy settings, you may be asked to add @ketuadobbs as a contact first in Telegram.
The main DOBBS Telegram Chat group:
DOBBS Tech Talk – for all things tech :
DOBBS Journal Club – share interesting updates from the literature:
DOBBS CPD Streams – our live CPD streams are posted here:
DOBBS Fire – Financial and Retirement chat group:
DOBBS Telemedicine – all about Telemedicine:
DOBBS Permanent Jobs – advertise permanent jobs (no locum posts!) for doctors here:

We are still getting questions on how to stay updated for our Live CPD events.
As a reminder, you can always bookmark and visit these pages where the Live streams for the most recent and any upcoming events are embedded:

The best way to stay notified is to Subscribe to the DOBBS Youtube Channel and hit the Notification bell so that you will be informed whenever we post or schedule new content

To view all the previous videos, you can visit our Youtube playlists: for all previous Live CPDs for all previous SJMC Grand Rounds – for all previous Medicolegal talks (organised by our friends at Doctor Shield)

Here’s a word about Medical Indemnity from Doctor Shield

You need medical indemnity if you are in private practice, or are a Government doctor who does Locum and/or wants coverage for disciplinary proceedings.
If you are a GP or Specialist running a clinic as a Sdn Bhd, please note that you are advised to get separate indemnity for the clinic as your personal indemnity will not cover the Sdn Bhd. 
To get a Doctor Shield Quote visit you can apply the DOBBS promo code dobbs2020

Finally, please be reminded you can list your clinic or hospital practice for free at
Listing is free and you are all invited to submit your listing by using this form:
Once approved, we shall create an account for you (you must have at least one email address in the listing for us to do so)

Best regards

Alan Teh
aka Ketua Dobbs