Dear GP colleagues,
In case you are not aware, CPD (Continuing Professional Development) is now made compulsory by law. You have to show you have obtained at least 20 CPD points when you apply for your APC, otherwise you won’t be able to do so. This comes into effect when you apply in 2019 for the 2020 APC (yes there is a grace period for those applying this year – 2018 – for the 2019 APC).
However, when you are applying in 2019, the points which are accumulated and count toward the minimum of 20 you require, have already started in the CPD cycle from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019. This is the time period where the 20 points for the 2019/2020 application matters.
Points cannot be carried forward FYI.
In order to get points, ALL GPs MUST BE REGISTERED USERSÂ of the MMA CPD App. The MMA is the designated CPD collector for GPs and you must download and use the app, otherwise the MMA won’t be able to assign you points. This is important, whether you are an MMA member or not, you HAVE to be a user of the MMA CPD App.Â
If you haven’t please download the MMA CPD App (available in Android and iOS app store) here:
You will be able to scan your attendance in MMA approved CME events and also upload certificates for non-local events or online CME.
Please see this video which shows you how to use the MMA CPD App:
If you have questions, feel free to ask for help in DOBBS, our doctors forum.Â
See our previous articles on Compulsory CPD for Doctors