Doctors Only Bulletin Board System (DOBBS)

Forums => Doctor Blogs (Public) => Topic started by: Al Teh on March 22, 2019, 06:03:09 AM

Title: Making Blogs Great Again!
Post by: Al Teh on March 22, 2019, 06:03:09 AM
Making Blogs Great Again!

Is blogging dead amongst the medical community in Malaysia? I notice that blogging activity has been on the decline since the advent of “quick and easy” social networks like Facebook and Twitter. This has made folks lazy and the tendency


Is blogging dead amongst the medical community in Malaysia? I notice that blogging activity has been on the decline since the advent of “quick and easy” social networks like Facebook and Twitter. This has made folks lazy and the tendency is to fire off oneline tweets or just resorting to sharing/liking/commenting on Facebook

The art of writing seems be nearly lost. It’s a pity because there’s much more to creating your own content to be read, appreciated and then shared, rather than just brief interactions on the social media.

We are revamping the link to Malaysian Doctors blogs and will now feature this in DOBBS, specifically in the DOBBS Doctors Featured Blogs Board.

This Board is publicly viewable without having to login. It is however a “read only” section which automatically fetches the latest blog posts from the featured blogs and auto-posts an excerpt there, linking back to the original blog post. This way we hope to get greater readership for the bloggers.

If you are a Malaysian doctor and blogger, you are invited to join our DOBBS community, and do let us know about your blog so that we can feature it.

Source: Making Blogs Great Again! (