Author Topic: 2024 1st fight final leg part 1..  (Read 109 times)


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2024 1st fight final leg part 1..
« on: November 19, 2024, 07:42:02 PM »
2024 1st fight final leg part 1..


stay in the Boleh land was a slow one for me. My primary duty was to serve as
Ving’s driver. Ving had several errands to run; accompanied her parent and visiting
her aunts and uncles.

had used up the some of the time upgrading my bro in law’s wifi. The internet
service provider and supplied him with an entry level router and the connection
sucks! I had toured around the shopping mall nearby and bought a DECO MESH

had upgraded my house with similar system few months ago and the connection was
excellent and easy to install. The ASUS router was actually my favorite as it
provides great tunning capability for NAS and CCTV setting. However the ASUS’s
MESH was something that one need to live with it….

DECO had proven to be a more convenient system and cheaper to implement. I had acquired
a WIFI6 2 pcs MESH system and started the installation. It was more than 20
hours later with many trials and errors before I get the green light permanently
light up. There was no instruction with the setting of parameter regarding the
TM and DECO combo.

result was exceptionally satisfying as the connection was markedly improved
after the installation.

this period I had visited the book tunnel bookstore near Setia Alam. A great
bookstore located in a visitor lacking shopping mall. I hoped that it would
still be there during my next visit.

and I had discussed a lot regarding his plan in the future and he had evolved and
it would not be a problem for him to attend any graduate school. Every stage of
his learning process was a struggle to us; we had hesitated to send him to a
normal kindergarten initially. After that, we had discussed the option of delaying
his entry to grade 1. After the first few years as an initiate we enjoyed a few
smoothly going year until the stage college selection. With grace from the
great one, he had gotten what his wished for. Finally the solo ride in the
college begun and he is now staying alone in a hostel and being a valuable asset
to his team in the college…. Every step was crossing the limit and boundary
that beyond our imagination.

had patroned a few food joints and most of them were not compatible with my
tongue; 2 of them were chain BKT.

sworn I would try my best to lay my hand on a decent taste BKT on my next

was raining season and I had met a few flash flood during my drive. Heart
pumping session for me but it was norm for the locals according to my in law….

was a satisfied journey for Ving though, we completed most of the errands and the
seniors of the family were happy about the arrangement.

cashless life was another gained during this trip. I had installed the TNG e-wallet
app and started my scanning and paying life after seeing my bro in law using it
to buy goreng pisang at the local afternoon bazaar. Well, it was a great
experience and I did not increase my load of syiling after this trip.

trip ended 6 days later; it was an afternoon flight where we enjoyed an
afternoon tea break at the Ya Kun with my in law. Frankly said, KLIA1 is improving
but KLIA2 was still top notch for travelers.

flight with China airlines was smooth and we reached CKS late in the evening followed
by a safe trip back to K city with some hiccup.

reached home by 11 and I headed to work next day after a short nap.

next trip was scheduled 2 weeks later and it would be a complicated one for all
of us….. It had haunted me for the next 10 days until I realized about what was
waiting for me…

Source: 2024 1st fight final leg part 1..

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2024 1st fight final leg part 1..
« on: November 19, 2024, 07:42:02 PM »


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