Author Topic: QM run....  (Read 54 times)


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QM run....
« on: November 20, 2024, 01:49:03 AM »
QM run....


The new roster had
made a lot of event possible. As Ving wished to go back for QM festival; an
arrangement was made and I had started the flight ticket sourcing again. I had
tried to strike CKS from my list of departure as soon as the sourcing started.
The trolling over the net was uneventful as there was no seat available at the
peri QM period. When I almost given up the no CKS thought; seats had started to
emerge on the double A site. However Ving’s senior had yet to make up their mind
on the date of QM ritual. It was a difficult choice for me as the cheap seats
which emerged would be selling like hot cake and it would not be long before I lost
the chance of grabbing them. Urging the seniors to make a decision would be
impolite moreover Ving is considered as outsider as she had married a guy which
is not from the family. So I had to make a intelligent guess regarding the
date. From my experience, the Seniors were folks that like to hang “laws” by
their mouth, meaning that they would like to people complied to their
idea/opinion by talking about tradition that set up by their ancestors.

So I had to think like
them to predict how the date would be set. For Chinese, the most important reference
book is the Yellow Calendar – the one book that calculates everything according
to tradition. It would record suitable task to performed task on any specific
day. If the date is BIG GOOD, then you could do whatever you like. If the date
is noted as BIG DANGER, then you could only do the necessary like seeing a
doctor and all the important task (like praying ) would be barred.

The choice was
actually simple as the QM fell on Thursday and there were only 2 date to decide
of, the pre QM Sunday and post QM Sunday.

According to the
Yellow Calendar, the pre QM Sunday is BIG GOOD and the post QM Sunday is BIG
DANGER. The choice was so simple, no one would choice a big danger day for such
a major ritual….So without hesitation, I bought the ticket. It was darn cheap
less that RM1k per piece to and fro with first row extra leg room seat with the

It was a short
trip for us and I have to bring my parents up north to visit my aunts and
uncle; two rituals and a to and fro trip up north within 5 days.

Everything seems
smooth until 1 week before the journey.

My bro in law had
told me that those Seniors had decided to set the date on post QM; and
immediately the 3 letters word started with “W” flashed through my thought…

It disrupted our
plan and Ving had addressed her dismay and I was the smart ass who got it up to
my face…

Since the ticket
could not be refunded and no seat was available for the available date, we had
to settle with it.

The journey had
started a usual post call flight. I came back from a night shift; grabbed my
pre-packed baggage and headed to Smallport airport.

The flight landed
uneventfully and we had had our dinner at the Oriental Kopi. The costly fried
noodle and curry was good, the coffee with qinchao was another plus. Satisfied
meal which was costly.

We reached my bro
in law house after 10 and I had gotten a good sleep after the long journey.

We headed down
south with the double F from Subang the next day. It was a pleasant stay and we
had a family dinner at a Japanese restaurant selling don buri at Aeon mall

The flight touched
down on time and I had joined my parents late that night.

It was an early
push off the next day and I had to cover a trip from Kulai to KL by noon and
stopped by Seremban on the way down south and ended up in Malacca for a night
stay. A drive with no assist for more than 500km? Would be a great challenge
for me since I had Fefe for the past 2 years.

It was an early push
off and we managed to cover the whole journey without hiccup. We landed at
Malacca later in the evening and I had mistakenly booked a service apartment
which was crap. It was near the Portuguese settlement (bad choice because I
wanted a stay nearby so that we could reach the restaurant easily after we
arrived). The food at the restaurant was excellent with fresh squid and crab
served. The price was reasonable and definite and must for a next visit.

We had also had
satey chelup at the Mcquek before we retreated to the apartment. The apartment
is well furnished but yet poorly managed. The check out was worst as we had to
wait till 9 am before the management is opened.

The trip back to
Kulai was uneventful.

The next day we
had gone to Kota Tinggi for the Kiang Kee BKT.

Hokkien style BKT
around the southern area. The score should be a 90% but yet 10% deduction for
the distance; 80% is good enough but I would think twice before I taste it
again…The road was windy and roller coaster like…the up and down slope added
the difficulty to drive.

Anyway, I missed
the museum as we had a tight scheduled to follow. We visited my grand father for the QM ritual that afternoon.

We slept in the
Tune hotel later that night as we had flown the last flight out from Senai with double A.

We were lucky as
the Tune hotel served early meal during the fasting month. An enjoyable
breakfast and I picked up some snack at the salty fried pancake store along the
way to check in.

I had a variety of
good food, a long drive that proven my capability and my first QM visit after
the urn run. Smack for choosing the wrong date was still acceptable.

However the story
continued as below…

whole group visited their ancestor

The ritual
was performed and at the end of the ritual a cast of divination block was done…

There was
a continual double down for more than 10 times[rare odds really]….until some of
the seniors decided to kneel down and asked for permission….and finally approval
was given just before the rain pour down heavily..


My conclusion---

Stupid move of
picking a bad date letting the whole group to bad luck, and the ancestors were
angry with it…

The great one had
been always looking after me and did not put me in that kneel down embarrassing
situation…. Praise the great one…

Source: QM run....

Doctors Only Bulletin Board System (DOBBS)

QM run....
« on: November 20, 2024, 01:49:03 AM »


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