Author Topic: Common Skin Tumour  (Read 267 times)


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Common Skin Tumour
« on: April 04, 2023, 08:18:19 AM »
Common Skin Tumour

Many patients have been living with their skin tumours without any problem.

Benign skin rumours are common and they are usually small and pose no problem whatsoever to patients livelihood.

There are varieties of skin tumours. The above skin tumour has a shape of a Polyp. A polyp is a tumour which is made up of a stalk the attaches to the skin and the body that makes up the bulk of the tumour. The polypoidal skin tumour is frequently called Skin Tag.

Benign skin tumour grows very slowly if at all. If it does not cause any problem to patients, it does not need any particular treatment. If it causes a problem, even the unsightliness, the treatment is Surgical Removal. For a small skin tumour, it can be removed by various ablative methods like Thermocautery(heat)or Cryotherapy((ice).

A big skin tumour like in this picture requires a formal surgical operation. The above polyp has been causing pain and bleeding to patient with his pant on while walking. The polyp is located in his thigh.

The removed polyp is sent for histological examination which revealed a final diagnosis of Squamous Papilloma.

Source: Common Skin Tumour

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Common Skin Tumour
« on: April 04, 2023, 08:18:19 AM »


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